Roses are red, violets are blue, a crystal pipe is perfect for boo! Not just crystal pipes though- there are a myriad of special cannabis accessories that make perfect romantic Valentines. By way of them being a little sexy looking, or just something special that would bring a smile to your love’s face. If you know your significant other well, you can probably figure out what sort of weed accessories are missing from their life that would make them happy… but in case you’re stuck for gift ideas, these are the ones I would most like to see in a heart shaped box.


Crystal pipes are blossoming in popularity, and rightly so. Instead of the cliché smoke shop pipe that no one cares enough about to keep from getting grubby, a crystal pipe makes an amazing shelf piece that can be out in the open, and doubles as a spiritual wand. Make sure you get one with a carb if that’s the style your honey prefers! 

Custom glass regular and water pipes should never be discounted, if you find the right artist. With social media giving talented artists a much better platform to be seen, I have discovered so many pipe crafters- there’s absolutely a custom, adorable pipe that’s a perfect match for your lover, and one whose work I keep dreaming about is Puff Pixie. Admittedly femme in style, these whimsical pieces make a perfect little love gift. 

Rainbow grinders are another hot trend right now, with a ton of variations to find the right match. While I personally would rather hand tear my flower, a grinder is an important accessory for making joint rolling far easier (for the somewhat unskilled and clumsy handed like myself), and I would keep track of it way better if it had a fun design on top! 

Custom Zippo lighters are so fun! Is there anything better than lighting a blunt like a real cigar, and even better, with a Zippo that comes in your favorite color, with a custom engraving? Yep, that’s a pretty sweet valentine that will get you some big brownie points- and so unisex, it takes out all the guesswork. 

Flavored rolling papers are a kitschy item that I frequently forget exists, because I feel like I don’t see them in person very often. Maybe your significant other is all about tasting the unfettered, pure bud, but I like a little fun flavoring now and then, and a bunch of these papers in a variety of tastes would be a delight to open up in a card. 


Posted by:kelseycalef

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